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Category: Independent Living

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15 Craft Ideas for Seniors in Assisted Living

A senior wearing a purple shirt and purple rings, begins knitting a project with a purple yarn

Arts and crafts are more than just a way to pass the time—they provide a creative outlet, foster connections, and even offer health benefits. For seniors in assisted living, participating in crafts can improve mental well-being, help maintain dexterity, and bring about a sense of accomplishment.  Our list of 15 craft ideas offers creative activities […]

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When to Move from Independent to Assisted Living

Happy senior woman playing cards with friends at an assisted living community.

Deciding when to transition from independent living to an assisted living community is a major and often emotional decision for both seniors and their families. It involves a number of considerations, including health, safety, and quality of life. Recognizing the signs that it may be time to make this move can ensure that seniors receive […]

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Best and Worst Dog Breeds for Seniors

A happy senior man crouches to pet his dog.

When selecting a companion for seniors, it’s important to consider the breed. Many of the most popular small and large breeds may be too high-energy or difficult to handle for an older individual. The best dog breeds for seniors are those that require little exercise, have a low-maintenance grooming routine, and don’t suffer from many […]

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I Don’t Think My Parent Should Live Alone – Next Steps

A young lady talking to a senior lady both having concerned looks on their faces.

Watching a parent age can be difficult, especially when you begin to worry about their well-being. For many, you may have to start considering alternatives to your parents living alone. If you’re in this situation and don’t know what to do, don’t worry—this is a common experience. It’s important to communicate openly with your parents […]

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The Best Ways to Make Friends as a Senior

A senior man with a cane smiles and laughs with a nurse and other seniors.

As people age, they often find themselves faced with new challenges during the transition into the senior living stage of life, including social isolation. Volunteering, joining a club or group, taking a class, and reconnecting with old friends can help seniors meet new people and build strong social connections that can help keep them healthy […]

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When to Move to Senior Living

a group of 3 seniors laughing

Senior living is something that almost every person will someday have to consider for themselves or their family members. If you’re still healthy, it’s easy to put off making any decisions about senior living.  But with age and possibly mobility issues, maintaining a household while living alone can begin to feel more like a burden […]

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