As people age, they usually won’t have the same space requirements. So, downsizing becomes a necessity in many cases. Fortunately, many great independent living or assisted living communities are available to choose from, depending on a senior’s needs. On the other hand, downsizing and moving into a new home is often met with some resistance. […]
When to Move to Senior Living
Senior living is something that almost every person will someday have to consider for themselves or their family members. If you’re still healthy, it’s easy to put off making any decisions about senior living. But with age and possibly mobility issues, maintaining a household while living alone can begin to feel more like a burden […]
How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy
You may have heard the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child?” Well, it turns out that sentiment rings true for seniors too. Social isolation and loneliness are a growing health concern among seniors. Loneliness is the feeling of being alone or separated, and social isolation is having a lack of social connections […]
When Is the Right Time to Downsize Your Home?
How Downsizing Can Improve Quality of Life Home can be a wonderful place. We may feel sentimental about the memories created there or simply enjoy relaxing in our own space. Yet, a living space isn’t home just because we’re accustomed to it. A home needs to feel welcoming, and it needs to meet our needs. […]